Tips To Maintain Polariscope Strain Viewer Effortlessly

The shelf life of carbonated beverages is primarily determined by the PET bottle's carbon dioxide retention capabilities. Nevertheless, the commercial life of such items can be jeopardized by material ruptures and cracking, which can occur under certain conditions. In PET bottles the "stress cracking" will occur in conjunction with the injection point, which is more sensitive owing to its amorphous structure, as opposed to the sides of the bottles, whose strength is based on a degree of orientation.

The shelf life of carbonated beverages is primarily determined by the PET bottle's carbon dioxide retention capabilities. Nevertheless, the commercial life of such items can be jeopardized by material ruptures and cracking, which can occur under certain conditions. In PET bottles the "stress cracking" will occur in conjunction with the injection point, which is more sensitive owing to its amorphous structure, as opposed to the sides of the bottles, whose strength is based on a degree of orientation. Stress cracking can be caused by a variety of variables, most of which operate in concert and are difficult to separate. Thus, presto has come up with one of the highly advanced testing instruments known as the Polariscope strain viewerThis lab testing instrument will measure the quality of preforms and indicates the change in the refractive index of the material.

Here in this blog, we will discuss a brief about how this lab testing equipment is useful in detecting the defects present in the product. We will also focus on some useful tips that will help you to maintain the Polariscope with ease.

Improve the quality of Preforms with Presto Polariscope strain viewer

The strains and defects present in the PET preform products will hamper their quality. Therefore with Presto Polariscope strain vieweryou can easily control the PET bottle quality at the initial stage of production. This lab testing equipment has been designed keeping in mind the PET & Preform testing criteria established by the recognized standard body such as ASTM.

The preforms are made using the blow moulding process, which entails melting the plastic raw material at a specific temperature and then dropping it at a particular speed into preform gaskets. Not only would testing the structural integrity of these materials assist you in delivering error-free goods to your consumers, but it will also aid in the quality control process.

Presto is a leading Polariscope strain viewer manufacturer and provides you best price for this lab testing equipment. This will help you to test the transparency and quality of plastics to assure the best quality products are delivered to your customers. The optical polarization technique is used to check for flaws in PET containers with the help of this strain viewer. 

Besides this, you can simply identify the defects present in the PET & glass using different sources of light present in it. There are certain types of defects that can be seen under natural light. So, you can read about the different types of defects detected under the natural light of Polariscope.

Features of Polariscope strain viewer

Polariscope strain viewer from Presto Testing Instruments is a wonderful choice for detecting product quality and transparency. It will let you conduct the most thorough quality assurance testing imaginable, guaranteeing that your customers will never have cause to complain about your products. Any change in a product's refractive index will occur due to the varied strain distribution. This will progressively lower the transparency of the material. Thus, you can easily identify the strains in PET structure with the help of this testing instrument.  

Below we have created a list of its features:

  • Two light intensities were offered: Monochromatic light and Sodium Lamp.
  • Sharper and clearer optical viewing experience.
  • Standard Template for viewing sample at 45º and 90º angle.
  • Large Viewing glass area.
  • High-resolution camera to take pictures with integrated POLCOM software
  • Standard reference defect pictures preloaded in software for easy reference
  • Pick & Place feature to compare test preform image with a standard image.
  • Test Report includes Reason For Defect Along With Suggested Action.
  • Inbuilt hardware/software CD.
  • Easy Data Management. Users can create product identification, company, checked by details, etc.

Technical Specifications of Polariscope strain viewer (computerized model)

  • This testing instrument provides a viewing area of 260mm x 240mm.
  • The machine works on the power supply of 220V.
  • The dimension of the testing instrument is 335x360x500 mm.
  • Standard T template Measuring Angle 45º and 90º

With these features and technical specifications, you will be able to test the defects in preforms using this lab testing equipment. To make sure that this testing instrument will be used for a longer time, follow the maintenance tips below.

How to maintain a Polariscope strain viewer for a longer time?

Quality Assurance is a critical technique that must be followed during manufacturing to avoid errors and faults, as well as to eliminate difficulties when delivering items to clients. This procedure verifies that the product has passed all of the required quality checks. Defect prevention, on the other hand, is a fundamentally distinct procedure from defect analysis and correction in Quality Assurance. It places a premium on quality from the start of the manufacturing process. Continuing the production process after a thorough analysis offers long-term benefits. In the pet and preform sectors, the manufacturers are using several testing instruments to reduce the defects present in them. Thus, you can easily make use of a Polariscope strain viewer to analyze the strength of various products.

Below we have listed the tips to maintain this amazing testing equipment.

  • Clean the viewing area and test the platform using a soft cloth.
  • Do not put any scratches on the viewing area.
  • Do not mishandle or press the viewing area.
  • Put the device in a dirt-free, Dust-free, and vibration-free area.

In this way, you can easily maintain this strain viewer. You can give us a call at +91-9210903903 or email us at to know more about this lab testing equipment.


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